Category Archives: NSW Australia

Country towns, Aussie Schools and Surfing Dolphins

The large country town of Ballarat has been a booming gold-town since the 1850s, but unlike many others of the period, is still profitable today, with an estimated 60% of the gold still to mine. It is also home to … Continue reading

Posted in NSW Australia | 6 Comments

Five States in Two Weeks – Brissie to Tassie!

Before heading south, we had a great Easter with Mum & Dad and my brother Andrew and his family, including a day on the boat for all the boys fishing and enjoying each others company. Finally, the crab pot came … Continue reading

Posted in ACT Australia, NSW Australia, QLD Australia, TAS Australia, VIC Australia | 6 Comments

A Warm Welcome Home to Sydney!

I always know I am home when I am greeted at Sydney Airport by the bluest of blue skies, and in all my travels I have still not seen that shade of blue anywhere else. And Ben got bonus points … Continue reading

Posted in NSW Australia | 2 Comments